Kellogg’s Dynamic Leak Investigations (DLI®)


The 100-year-old factory on the Trafford Park site in Manchester had multiple roof leaks into areas of the production line and plant.


The asphalt roof was very old and cracked and there were multiple penetrations through the membrane and upstands around the roof. The leaks had resulted in numerous leak catchers and sheeting being used to prevent contamination in the production areas.


Utilising a multitude of testing methods at their disposal the RAM engineers tested the membrane of the roof electronically and identified defects causing the problems. They also used simulated rainfall testing and flood testing to check other areas. The 5 days onsite identified 10 leaks that needed localised repairs. The Engineers also had to make sure they adhered to strict hygiene rules to prevent contamination to the factory floor or production lines.


RAM’s comprehensive report showed the client exactly what needed repairing and how the repairs should be carried out. The client used these to have the leaks fixed by a contractor and was so pleased with the process, they ordered another 5 days testing which identified further leaks in a separate area of the factory.


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